www.IslandSanctuary.org is a website for one of the worlds most unique dog shelters. It is located in Marsaxlokk, Malta, ( near Sicily, Italy.) I have been to this shelter and they are doing a great job of caring for 130-160 dogs. It is situated inside of a gated, old fort – Fort Tas-Silg. There are large, fenced in, separated areas of 2-8 dogs per “area.” The middle of the secure, stone wall shelter is a courtyard where dogs are allowed to run around and play. I was told that several “areas” of dogs can be let out at the same time safely. The morning feeding and cleaning person who comes to work around 5:00 A.M. is the only PAID person for the facility. This is a bare bones operation, but full of dedicated volunteers, who even use their own computers to compose their newsletter. Their own vehicles are used to transport dogs as well.
To see a glimpse of the shelter, click on DOGS on the yellow bar of the home page. There are many pointers and pointer mixes in this shelter, possibly because the visiting UK residents are bringing their unneutered pointers and are allowing them to roam and breed on the Island. Malta is a 3 hr. flight from London.THIS SANCTUARY NEUTERS ALL DOGS THAT ARE TAKEN IN.Some locals have dumped dogs outside of the Fort gates…..Homeless dogs are a common site on Malta and Gozo, but some German citizens, locals and other visitors occasionally re-home these strays and provide medical attention.
The dogs at this shelter are fed a mixture of boiled meat (whatever is donated) with grains or loaves of bread – that are kept out in the sun in open aired, cage hutches for storage. They accept donations and they perform community outreach. This is a frugally operated facility and a great one to be a part of. You can sponsor a dog or become a member for only 3 Lm (Maltese lire) about $9.00 U.S. if you live in Malta. It costs 10 Lm to join for all other countries due to high postal rates. This is as exotic of an animal shelter as you will find anywhere.